Mixing Bentonite Clay can be tricky and you may find it difficult to dissolve or mix well. Here are some tips and tricks from Shay at Bulk Herb Store in the USA for three basic ways to mix and use bentonite clay.
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Make a Bentonite Paste (for bites, stings, cuts, abrasions, spots, pimples, face masks etc)
To get a nice pasty consistency--something comparable to sculptors' clay--mix 1 part clay to 2 parts water. Add the clay powder to a jar that will hold at least 3 times the measurement of clay. Carefully pour the water into the clay and allow it to sit (covered or uncovered--doesn't matter) for several hours for smaller amounts to several days for larger amounts. If you're mixing large amounts, it is recommended that you layer the clay and water for the most efficient results. Keep checking consistency and if you find that the water hasn't yet fully absorbed, allow it sit longer. If your mix is too dry, add more water and allow it to sit. If your paste is too runny, add more clay. Cover and store and keep handy for those pesky bites and stings that the spring and summer so often bring.To use this paste, simply dab a bit out on your finger and rub it on the affected area. You can leave it until it falls off, or you can allow to dry and then wash or brush off depending on how thick it is applied. You can also spread this paste on a paper towel or some other cloth (instead of directly on the skin) and use as a poultice. This causes the majority of the clay to stick to the cloth when you are finished, which reduces cleanup.

Make a Bentonite Slurry (for drinking, detox)
If you want to mix the clay for drinking, use the same technique, but use about 250ml water to 1-2 Teaspoons of clay. Allow it to sit on the counter for several hours to a couple of days. Shake vigorously and drink up. .If you're in a hurry, mixing clay to drink can be a tedious (chunky) experience. Adding activated charcoal to the clay before adding the water can help the clay to suspend in the water instead of clumping, allowing you to drink it without gagging down (or attempting to chew) mud. Keep in mind, if you choose to do it this way, you are not allowing the clay to fully absorb water to capacity. This will cause it to steal water from the intestines as it expands. This is OK AS LONG AS YOU DRINK ENOUGH WATER TO COMPENSATE--450ml of water with each heaping teaspoon of clay consumed. NOTE: When taking bentonite clay internally, it is also wise to increase fibre intake to keep the bowels moving and prevent potentially toxic constipation.

Make a Bentonite Bath (for detoxing, cleansing, drawing out impurities)
Mixing bentonite clay for baths can be just as easy. Take 2 to 4 cups of clay and put in a 2 gallon container and fill with water. Allow this to sit for a couple of days and stir with a wooden or plastic spoon. Pour this mixture into the tub and add enough water for soaking in the tub. You could also mix the clay in the bathwater ahead of time. Fill the tub about half way to the desired amount and pour in the clay. Allow to sit for several minutes to a few hours. Mix with your hand. When you are ready to soak, add hot water as needed to warm your bath. Bentonite clay can be added directly to the bath water if you're in a hurry, but it will most likely be clumpy and hard to disperse throughout the water. If you choose to do it this way, grab the clumps of clay while bathing and squeeze them between the fingers and on rub on various parts of the body to allow maximum coverage of the exposed skin. When the bath is finished, get out and allow the water to sit still for 30 minutes to an hour. Any undissolved bits of clay will sink to the bottom and stick to the tub when you drain it. Wipe up any residue with a paper towel and throw it away.